Thursday, December 10, 2009

Does it cause any physical damage for doing intense gymnastics and Ballet training in the joints &am

because, I have been doing alot of physical exercise for more than 10 years and everytime I do intense tumbling I suffer from alot of pain in my ankles and knees.. I used to think at first long time ago it was just growing pains but now I'm no longer growing so I was wondering If i have damaged anything physically....

Does it cause any physical damage for doing intense gymnastics and Ballet training in the joints %26amp;muscles?events

I did Gymnastic for ten years and taught for 3 and i have tons of overuse injuries. I think everyone responds differen

t. My left knee has gone out, I hernated two discs and saw numberous fracures I didn't even know I had until years later when i had a bone scan. I can't hardly use my right hand fingers becasue of arthritis and I am only 24!!

Take vitamins and extra calcium and let yourself rest after injury. Pain is an indicator of a problem, so don't ignore it and don't try to be a hero--if your hurt-your hurt!

Does it cause any physical damage for doing intense gymnastics and Ballet training in the joints %26amp;muscles?home theatre opera theater

my cousin damaged her spine doing gymnastics and will never be able to do gymnastics again
Yes, it can cause a tremendous amount of wear and tear on the joints, depending on what you are doing. You could also be suffering from an injury. Best bet for you would be to see a doctor who specializes in sports injuries and get an evaluation before you do permanent damage
Yes. I did gymnastics for 10 years and have been doing ballet for 15 years and it damages your joints, especially when en pointe and your ankles take a real beating.

I think it is normal, and once I stopped it got worse. Best of luck to you.
yes .. it defaintely takes a toll on your body.. i have done gymnastics for 8 years and im not allowed to do it anymore.. i have torn cartilidge in both of my hips.. just got surgery on one.. all ligaments in my ankles are stretched out... partially torn rotater cuff in my shoulder... my knees just grind now and they ache.. and i have 2 herniated discs in my back... this all happened within the last two years in high school gymnastics... the only injury in club gymnastics was when i hyper extended my elbow and fractured my ankle.. but i never realized it till after.. if you love the sport you tend to ignore the pain and work through it... you also become immune to pain.. its kinda bad!
probably, have a look at your technique and equipment to minimise the damage but there will always be a certian amount of injury if you constantly hammer your body.

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